Batch Project Purchase


The Batch Project Purchase option is used to enter a batch of invoices received from one or more suppliers. It is usually used to enter a statement with multiple invoices. Furthermore, it is possible to import batch project purchases from an Excel file.


The Batch Project Purchase option should not be used if an order was entered in relation to an invoice. The Invoicing option should be used in such cases.

Furthermore, accounting transfers do not apply to batch project purchase transactions. Transaction transfers are used to transfer these transactions using the Project Purchase option. Any changes to transaction must be performed with this option after the transfer.








maestro* > Purchasing > Purchasing > Purchasing > Batch Project Purchase


Create a batch project purchase

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedDetail section.




Supplier code to which the purchases will be linked.

Payment Terms

This field is only displayed once the supplier has been selected.

Payment Terms generated by the Payment Terms Management module. Automatically defaults in the Payment Terms field for invoicing.

Note: If a payment term is posted in Supplier Management, it is displayed automatically in the field. Maestro* determines the due date of posted invoices according to the applicable payment terms.

Disc Rate %

This field is only displayed once the supplier has been selected.

Disbursement discount rate from Supplier Management.

Note: This rate only applies if the Instant Disb. field is set to Yes.

Holdback %

This field is only displayed once the supplier has been selected.

Holdback percentage to be taken from the invoice.


Total amount of the supplier’s payable invoices.

Note: This field cannot be modified manually. The Balance is also displayed in the Supplier Inquiry option.


Total amount of the supplier’s payable holdbacks.

Note: This field cannot be modified manually. The Balance is also displayed in the Supplier Inquiry option.


Advance payments made to the supplier.

Note: This field cannot be modified manually. The Balance is also displayed in the Supplier Inquiry option.


Expense group affected by default in the breakdown.


Holdback mode. It is possible to choose with or without tax.

Instant Disb.

Used to create a cheque immediately after transferring a project purchase if set to Yes.

Note: This cheque is then accessible with the Selected Disbursements option and it is dated with the due date.


Accounts affected by the transaction. ClosedAvailable values.

Note: If Configuration in the Accounting and Purchasing modules has been completed, the account is displayed by default.


This field is only displayed if the Instant Disb. parameter has been set to Yes.

Bank account on which the cheque is issued if the Instant Disb. field is set to Yes.

Note: Maestro* displays the bank account defined in Supplier Management. If the field is empty, maestro* uses the value in Configuration.

Cheque No.

This field is only displayed if the Instant Disb. parameter has been set to Yes.

Cheque number to be created for an immediate disbursement if the Instant Disb. field is set to Yes.

  1. Enter all invoices in the Invoices tab:
    1. ClosedTransaction Header section:
  1. ClosedBreakdown section:

If a budget is entered for the selected projects, activities and groups, maestro* checks for budget overspending when saving if this function has been enabled in Configuration.

Furthermore, if the Group Same Invoices parameter is checked from the Configuration icon, maestro* creates a project purchase by grouping the lines with the same invoice and work order numbers. Otherwise, the system creates a project purchase for each line.

  1. Click the Apply icon.
  2. Finally, click the Quit icon to exit the Batch Project Purchase option.


Create a batch project purchase by importing an Excel file

  1. Complete the Detail section.
  2. Get the file format to import:
    1. Click the Import an Excel File icon.
    2. In the file selection window, click the Cancel button to close the window in which you select the file to be imported.

    On the other hand, the importation window must remain open.

    1. In the Import an Excel File window, click in the grid with the right mouse button.
    2. Click the Transfer to Excel icon. An Excel file will open with the columns to be completed for the importation.
    3. Complete this Excel file according to your needs, save and close the file.
    4. Then, close the Import an Excel File window.
  3. Import the Excel file:
    1. From the Batch Project Purchase option, click the Import an Excel File icon.
    2. Select the file to be imported. Its content will be displayed in the grid of the Import an Excel File window.
    3. In this same window, click the Validate the Table icon.
      Maestro* displays any errors found in red. It is possible to make corrections as necessary and to click again the Validate the Table icon until all data are accurate.
    1. In the Import an Excel File window, click the Transferred to the grid icon to transfer the data of the file to the Batch Project Purchase option.
    2. The message Data transferred displays. Click OK to continue.
    3. Quit the Import an Excel File window.
    4. From the Batch Project Purchase window, click the Apply icon to transfer the information to the Project Purchase option.
    5. Finally, click the Quit icon to exit the Batch Project Purchase option.


See also


Last modification: February 18, 2025